1 Colossians 3:1-2. Beginning his talk with a question about the problem of evil, as to 'why the wicked prosper' (Psalm 73), Lionel Currie, pastor at Bridge Street Pentecostal Church, encourages the church to not look within ourselves for answers but to heaven. Discussing taking the long view, Lionel stresses the importance of looking forward and what it means to have a Biblical "hope".

Direct download: 20110410-LionelCurrie.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:02pm UTC

Terry Virgo, founder of Newfrontiers, speaks on Jesus' first sign from John 2:1-11. Explaining the significance of this first sign taking place at a wedding, Terry explains Jesus' endorsing of marriage. Secondly, Terry shows the position that Jesus holds, within his family and away from human advice, agenda and manipulation. He emphasises the importance of obedience, faith and trust.

Direct download: 20110403-TerryVirgo.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:07pm UTC

Stewart Morris talks on Gateway to spiritual gifts, one of four seminars that took place of Sunday, 27th March. Stewart explains what the gift of tongues means for us as a private gift, and why it is there to build us up, personally. Answering questions such as what is the gift of tongues, what is the point of it, how does it work, what is its value and can anyone receive it, Stewart explains why we should 'eagerly desire' this gift and the importance of it in building our relationship with God.

Direct download: 20110327-StewartMorris.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:34am UTC

Andrew Ogden talks on the theology of marriage, one of four seminars that took place on Sunday, 27th March. Andrew talks to married couples, singles and those preparing for marriage on the three key aspects of marriage: that marriage is divine in origin; that marriage is God's present-day parable for the gospel and that marriage is a prophetic picture of the reversal of sin in God's covenant grace. At each stage he fully explains God's plan for marriage and our role in it.

Direct download: 20110327-AndrewOgden.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:36am UTC

Jo Frost talks on Hope in death, one of four seminars that took place this Sunday. Jo sensitively discusses death, what the Bible says happens when Christians die and what our attitude to death should be.

Direct download: 20110327-JoFrost.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:04pm UTC

Toria Clifton-Brown talks on Do all things really work for good?, one of four seminars that took place this Sunday. Toria uses Romans 8:28 for the basis of this talk, concisely and sensitively explaining who God makes this promise to, what the phrase "all things" really means, and the meaning behind "good". She then uses examples of Biblical characters to show how we can respond to abuse, losing prosperity, depression, despair, recurring sins and other issues.

Direct download: 20110327-ToriaCliftonBrown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:03pm UTC





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